Conical Connection Implants: What Do the Pros Say?

We recently asked several very experienced, world-renowned implant specialists to weigh in on the questions surrounding the benefits of the conical connection, and share their top tips for working with these types of implants. Our goal was to create a helpful guide of dos and don’ts that will help professionals optimize their use of these implant types.

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The key difference between conical connection and internal or external hexagon implants, is that the built-in connection to an abutment is conical in shape. This connection facilitates an ultimate seal, which reduces micro movements and as agreed upon by all of our pros, opens the door for many mechanical and biological advantages.

Along with this overwhelming agreement among experts about these undeniable assets, there are certain things that doctors need to consider when working with CC implants.

For instance, there are prosthetic considerations to take into account due to a more constrictive geometry. So selecting the proper prosthetic protocol and components is a key to successful outcomes. Furthermore, doctors who swear by these implants say it’s simply a matter of a good plan, and that this will help avoid any potential pitfalls. They believe that following a few simple rules of thumb will help leverage the great potential for mechanical and biological stability that are inherent when using this type of connection.

For example, the pros we spoke with, believe it’s critical to ensure the proper mucosal height, take x-Rays at critical steps of the process, sterilize well, and other important check-list items that make working with a conical connection a smooth and predictable process.

We’ve gathered all of these professional tips and tricks and invite you to download and use this guide as your go-to when incorporating conical connection implants into your practice. 

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