Pre- and peri-implant reconstructive and regenerative surgery. How to be minimally invasive?
Webinar by Bioteck Scientific department about the technical and clinical features of Bioteck products.
2nd session: surgeons experience*
Tuesday 14 September 2021
19:00 – 21:00 UTC +2 Time
The Bioteck opinion leaders share their clinical experience.
- What are the minimally invasive approaches in sinus lift and ridge preservation?
- How collagenated bone substitutes may facilitate the success
of the minimally invasive approach?
*The webinar uses the Microsoft Teams platform: we suggest to download the application and to connect by using a laptop or a PC to have the best experience.
About Bioteck
Bioteck, the exclusive enzymatic deantigenation process of heterologous tissues that has redefined the quality standards of bone grafts and membranes of biological origin. Proud of the unique features of its biomaterials and of their clinical efficacy, Bioteck® promotes the sharing of clinical/scientific knowledge about regenerative medicine and its medical devices through the Bioteck Academy.
The surgeons
Prof. Danilo Di Stefano
In 1988, he graduated at the University of Milan in dentistry and dental prosthetics. In 2018, he obtained the habilitation as Adjunct Professor in Odontostomatological diseases. Since 10 years, he is Adjunct Professor in Oral Surgery at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele Milan University. He collaborates actively with several Italian Universities. He is past Adjunct Professor in Oral Surgery, lmplantology and bone reconstructive techniques at the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti, where he still collaborates in the research field. He is President of the Board of Auditors of the Italian Association of Osseointegration and he is an active member of S.I.C.O.I and S.I.O. He is honorary member of S.I.S.C.O.O. and member of the European Board of Oral Surgery. Past President of the Cenacolo Odonstomatologico Milanese. He founded dental journals, like the “Giornale deii’Odontoiatra”, “Italian Oral Surgery” and lmplantologia Orale” together with Prof. E. Gherlone and Prof. A. Piattelli. He holds an intense publishing activity (more than 130 scientific publications and author of 5 books in English and Italian). He is now committed exclusively to oral and implant surgery, with a specific focus on pre-implant reconstructive surgery.
Dr. Francesco Orlando
Dr Francesco Orlando graduated in dentistry at the University of Milan. He published 15 articles in the field of Implant Dentistry, some of which while still a dental student. After graduating, he attended the University of Paris (Paris Descartes V) for a clinical internship and is now attending the oral surgery residency program at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan. He started his clinical career at “Centro Odontoiatrico e Protesico Civitali” in Milan where, as a private practitioner, he is devoted to oral surgery and periodontics. He is a member of the editorial board of an international journal (Sciencevolks Dentistry) and his research activity is mainly focused on implant surgery and hard tissue regeneration.